This module came from the power glove project where i needed to offset the signal coming from the signal and boost it. i figured id make it more funky. so you can plug in 2 signals into it. 1 going in none inverted, then another input is inverted but beyond the offset. then you can boost it up to 10 times its original level (unless it goes over 12v then it will clip off) then the signal gets split off to 2 seperate attenuverters giving you 2 different seperate outputs that are related but can be as different as you want them to be.

Uses :-

no idea!

im joking its quite useful for a lot of things. for instance you can use it to deal with annoying things with sensors going into a modular, you can use it to boost a guitar or a piezo mic going into the modular, you can use it to change up waveforms and merge them in funky ways from LFO’s or oscillators. you can use it as a distortion module, you can use it to make filters sound different by offsetting the osillators going in. i dont know there are plenty of uses!!! definitely a funky and useful thing.

1171 bill of materials attenuverter
1171 offset boost attenuvert

the trimpots are used to fine tune the centre of the attenuverters. So if you find completely attenuated is not exactly central, adjust the trimpots until it is! :). there is 1 trimpot for each attenuverter.