Dual Macro Benjolin Built in the KOSMO 2.0 Format, which is 20cm high. so its in a way Metric 5U.... (maybe closer to 4U even).
Benjolin. Ok this isn't my project, i merely built a couple of Benjolins. but from some quick research there isn't much info on how the Benjolin became the Benjolin. Who the fuck is Ben?
So to start. these two panels above house a pcb in the back which are Eurorack synth PCB's called Benjolins. Each panel has, 2 oscillators, a filter, and a random locking loop circuit called the rungler. each part of the benjolin effects another part, making it very very strange to use. one slight knob twist in one part of the panel, will completely change a parameter on the other side. When you have 2 wired up effecting each other, it gets twice as dodgy.
So to start the Benjolin is based on a synth design called the Blippoo Box by Rob Hordijk. which seems to be a slightly more involved machine, with two looping melody circuits. It seems the Benjolin stemmed from this machine for the DIY community and workshops. and initially built by Macumbista for purchase. Now adays you can buy lots of different designs in pre built modules. Benjolin seems to be available in lots of formats and configurations. The rungler is available as a module, it seems to be quite similar to the turing machine using shift registers and noise to make random locking sequences.
It all stems from here! so check it out