This is the beginning of a larger DIY HOW TO project, following on from my previous one regarding building a simple case and power supply.
This is the CORE of a VCO module made with a CEM3340 chip.
I intend to design add-ons (hence the large amount of spare space on the stripboard layout!)
They will appear on the patreon before they appear anywhere else! as i am going to get them all designed and put them all into 1 big video in a month or so! so if you want them as soon as i design them check here https://www.patreon.com/lookmumnocomputer :)
including Squarewave sine wave, PWM, syncs, fm in, octave select etc.
heres the stripboard layout and schematic!
I will work on a shopping list in the coming days! but heres a list for now anyways! go on mouser/rapid electronics or something and just type these things into the search tab, lots of them come up, but usually they all do the same thing!
- Stripboard a piece 46 x 24 dots
-Trimpot 10k any trimpot will do!
-100k potentiometer
-ic sockets one 8 leg and a 16 leg one
- 2 x 470R resistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-620R resistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-1K8 resistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-5K6 resistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-24K resistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-2 x 100Kresistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-1M5 resistor,,, just a metal film resistor, but tbh! any will do!
-1nf capacitor, i used ceramic, but meh whatever!
-10nf capacitor, same!
-CEM3340 its a little pricey, I havent tried it but there are cheap knockoffs! i will try them there is no reason why they wont work! but i may be wrong! its called the AS3340 ,,, thanks to Václav Pechman for bringing this to my attention.
(link to CEM3340 , https://www.thonk.co.uk/shop/curtis-cem3340-ic-vco-chip/ )
- TL072 , like i said this just conditions the output, however if you plan to wire the oscillator straight into a filter or something, you can try and skip this!!!!!!
-jack sockets
and allll that jazz1!!!