
Based on the Electric Druid VCLFO10 Read about it here :-



This is the second module i have completed to sit in my touring synth, which i have chose to redesign as PCB projects for reliability, at the same time share it with you all.

KOSMO FORMAT, frequency central do a version using a similar chip, if you were after something in eurorack format :-


the finished one varies a tiny bit in labelling

the finished one varies a tiny bit in labelling

This LFO has :-

-Rate which is voltage controlled with also multiplication ranges.

- an LFO shape function aswell as 2 banks of LFO shapes (read more in the VCLFO datasheet over at electric druid)

-Syncable to incoming clock sources, you can turn this off at the flick of a switch without unplugging the sync jack

-LEVEL which is coltage controllable

-SAMPLE AND HOLD knob, 0 is off then it just sample and holds all the way to the sky.

-a normal set of outputs and an inverted set of outputs.

The finished module has slightly different labelling on the pcb, to make it clearer.

The actual module is largely based on the datasheet schematic on the electric druid site, with added outputs and some functions prioritised over others.


if your struggling to find components check out this forum thread CHEAP COMPONENT SEARCH

Read through the VCLFO datasheet available on the electric druid site to get to the bottom of what is actually happening! including lists of waveforms etc. if you havent got a multimeter Adjust the trim pot at the rear so the lfo equally swings between the LFO’s . this is down to tast. but its good to plug it into an oscillator and turn up the level, if it sounds like the oscillator is just wobbling on the same note its bang in the middle!! adjust that preset pot so when you turn on vibrato it doesnt sound like the note goes overall up or down.

this is a simplified schematic that i am currently making a stripboard layout of. its a simplified version but still has all of the useful bits.

here is even more basic as a stripboard layout. People have mentionned pin 11 should be connected to pin 1 instead of pin 2. maybe add a switch for this. pin 11 is the sample and hold pin, better still is you connect it to a potentiometer much like …

here is even more basic as a stripboard layout. People have mentionned pin 11 should be connected to pin 1 instead of pin 2. maybe add a switch for this. pin 11 is the sample and hold pin, better still is you connect it to a potentiometer much like the other controls

this is a slightly different design, the top one uses the CV invert option of the design, if you check the datasheet here you will see whats thats about. but above is another one. PIN 10 is the level pin, if you want a bit lfo control board maybe put this on a potentiometer the same as the other controls too! :)


I have just started a forum which hopefully will soon be filled of all stuff regarding building these modules! from mouser carts to build questions, you name it you can get to it click here.

FAQ :-

If you have any questions please contact me on the contact page! here are some answers i have given out about this module so far :-

-it isn’t working the way i thought it worked? chances are its not calibrated, there are 2 ways to calibrate it. 1 turn up the speed knob and twist the preset potentiometer on the back till both the + and the - seem to be about the same brightness. or the other way is turn down the LFO level to zero, then plug something into one of the outputs, then adjust the preset potentiometer till the output seems to have no effect (its at 0v) this means it is bang in the middle and when you turn up the level the LFO will be correctly calibrated

-Are all of the potentiometers linear? yes i should have mentioned this. they are linear so either B100k or B10k’s

-I am looking at stocking electric druid chips to sell with the pcb’s to save on postage but i need to figure out some logistics first! If you want to save a bit of postage and plan on building more modules!!! i will be bringing out other modules with electric druid chips in them, including the AS3340, the AS3360 and the AS3320. (respectively VCA’s, VCO’s and VCF’s) also i will be making a couple of different modules in the near future using the envgen 8. so if you want to pre empt this, id recommend to get a selection of chips off electric druid. But i am working on an option for me to sell them with the projects, but there is no telling when i will have that sorted