This is 1004 which i built in a vid to show how i made the first one
So lets start with a little context. I’ve seen these things about but never thought “boom im gunna get one and mess with it” but then i got sort of summonned by a number of peeps including Kai, when deadmau5 said someone should circuit bend it.
so i ordered one.
a week later it turned up. and i started working on it. much to my dismay it was absolutely uncircuit bendable. i was devastated, saying “sure i can do this” and the IT DIDN’T WORKKKKK NOOOOO. so i had to think out of the box!
In previous experiments i had found a couple of circuit bends in the sparkfun wav trigger. which may be of interest to you! a stutter, and a lofi pitch thingie.
Heres the first viddd :-
Wonder Wonder bible With Kosmo code 1001. This was the first one, that went to deadmau5
i had numerous emails and messages asking if it was purchasable. sadly it was already heading over seas to canada to sit in deadmau5’s studio.
so i figured i would build 1 more! and show off the process in this vid :-
I also popped it on eBay. as so many people asked i figured, whoever wants it can have it! (Im working on a hugeo project atm so itll go towards that! more info on that soon, but it requires a lot of early 90’s handheld consoles….. ermmm ive given too much away allllreadyyyy.
Heres the link to the listing..
Wonder wonder Bible, Kosmo code 1004
The back. quite scuffed but thats the nature of the beast!
The internals. The wav trigger. With a dab of hot glue to keep the circuit bends in place.
Clean as i get! a nice spaghetti junction.
AND HERE IS HOW YOU CAN MODIFY THE SPARKFUN TO GET CIRCUIT BENDS. this mod doesnt need to be bible related!!! just a useful thing to add a bit of pazazzzz to your sparkfun wav trigger@
the small board is a precision oscillator which takes over the job of the clock crystal, this is purchasable from the site and its the ltc1799 it can be used to pitch mod many things! gameboys etc etc :)